Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Forever Delayed

On June 29 the Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC) suspended the license of Full Tilt Poker. Yesterday the AGCC held a hearing for Full Tilt... After an entire day of deliberation, it was announced that 'in the interests of justice and the best interest of Full Tilt customers, the hearing will be adjourned. This is so Full Tilt can pursue advanced investment negotiations, which could result in a better outcome for the players.' The AGCC stated they did not enter into this decision lightly, and will reconvene no later than September 15, 2011.

In other words/ my humble opinion: Howard Lederer stole our money and there's no way we're getting it back.

Being robbed by my favorite poker site left me in a strange state of mind. Shortly after the closure of Full Tilt Poker I stopped smoking dope. Not out of principal or health reasons or whatever, mind you. Just got bored with being stoned all the time. Once the weed was out I quickly lost interest in drinking as well. No more weed and no more whiskey for no particular reason at all. Strange days, indeed. Lastly I paid off some long standing debts from my days as a married man.

The little money I had left I deposited on PokerStars. A month has passed and things have gone ugly. I'm down on my very last money and running four figures under Ev. (That's awful, if you're not familiar with poker lingo). This is the end of the line. Last stop: this grey old town. I'm not asking for sympathy or understanding. Almost every poker player on the planet thinks he's totally awesome but just going through a small downswing at the moment. I guess I'm no different. Whatever the reasons and the intentions; sooner or later one has to take responsibility for his results. ... And results I do have not. Neither in poker, photography or any other part of life (and certainly not in writing blog posts lol).

With the return of my Full Tilt bankroll forever delayed, I rest my case. There's nothing left to say. This story doesn't end with drinking champagne on a tropical beach or with overdosing in a back alley on cheap dope....

Just slowly fizzling out in the Belgian rain.

Another thirty odd years on the dayshift and maybe a pension in the sun, if I'll ever make it that far.

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