Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Link Dump: Poker & Other Topics

What can I say? I feel like a Full Tilt spokesman. We'll get back to you when we've got anything to say. In the meantime, all I got to offer are just a few links:

  • In related news: Howard Lederer, only a few months ago chosen by Bluff Magazine as the most powerful man in poker, is still nowhere to be seen. There are rumors that he's spending his time (and our money) hanging out with his homey Kim Jong Il... Check for more on this.
    • broadcasts all final tables of this year's events on a 5 min delayed live-stream. Perfect stoner TV.
    • Unrelated and somewhat irrelevant: I've got nothing to say so I shoot pictures instead, they can be found on Flickr...
    • Lastly, this life needs a 'Quick Fold'-button... "You wake up in the night with a fear so real.
      You spend your life waiting for a moment that just don't come" - 

    Anyway, have a great week everyone!

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