Sunday, September 11, 2011

Closing Time (A Farewell To The Pokers)

Closing Time (A Farewell To The Pokers)

This was my first weekend without a single hand of online poker in about four years.
All summer long I've been whining about my financial woes due to the divorce and the closure of a certain poker site (which no longer will be named but... - Fuck you, Howard Lederer! Hope you go to jail and get ass raped repeatedly).
Wel, that was that.
And then there was a horrible run at PokerStars. Lost more money than I'm willing to admit. It doesn't matter how you look at the figures. They are all very red. There's a certain point where it doesn't matter anymore if you played the hand well or not. Money lost equals money lost. Unlucky or bad play, my bank account doesn't notice the difference...

Last Friday I had a great time at a home game. But after losing another three buy-ins I decided to quiet right there and then. Got in this hole also/ largely because of poker. I doubt poker is going to get me out of it. Accept the losses and walk away. That's the plan. Got other interests to pursue. Got a plane ticket in my pocket and a new project I might launch one of these days...

As for the pokers;
it was fun while it lasted.
A rather bumpy (but interesting) ride.
I'll probably be back some day...

Until then Filthy Rich Fish is temporarily indefinitely on hold.

Good luck if/ where applicable!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Drifting In A Different Way

Summer's Almost Gone

Summer's almost gone. Only a fool believes Full Tilt Poker will ever pay. They are gone. They are never coming back. The similarities between Howard Lederer and my ex-wife are quiet uncomfortable. They both gained my trust than they lied, cheated, took my money and ran...
Though shit. I tried to start over on PokerStars but there's not much fun without heart and commitment. So everyday I play less and less if and when I even play at all. Slowly drifting further and further away from this goddamn desk. Fuck the money. There must be more rewarding ways to spend my time than this never-ending strife for profit....