Sunday, April 25, 2010

Epic Failure Approximately

Surprise, surprise... 
It ain't going well. 
About a month ago, NL200 cash games seems almost into reach. Now I'm struggling to maintain a healthy bankroll at NL100. It's not because of me, of course. It's just bad luck, rigged poker rooms, government conspiracies or that devilish doom switch permanently turned on. So I whine and I complain and I struggle just to stay break even...
Maybe the fish is me. 
Like some dude on Two Plus Two put it very poetically 
"You either got it or you don't".
Poker is a cheap hobby at worst. 
At best, I'm a marginal winner.
Game Over/ The End?
Well, almost but not just yet...
In a final attempt to become the greatest poker player in the history of the world (or just make some fucking money with it) I did some tweaking here and there. So I started swimming (like a fish, you see) and going to the gym regularly. A healthier and happier lifestyle. Then I cancelled my PokerVT-subscription. I learned a lot there. But clearly not enough. Blame the teacher. Time to move on. 
Yesterday I signed up for six months with DeucesCracked. Their videos are super-advanced and high-level. It's the final frontier. If I fail to improve my game significantly by the time autumn comes around, I'll quiet. Spend my bankroll on my one and only great talent: 
take the money and run.
Dreams about the beaches of Goa or the streets of Tokyo are never that far away.

(pic credits: someone at Two Plus Two,
have a look at Deuces Cracked here)

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