Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Way Of The Buddha

Early one morning around Brussels Airport, I’m driving when the typical sound of a police whistle interrupts my morning numbness. Checking the rear-view mirror, I see a frantically gesticulating police officer. Fuck, I got a cellphone pressed against my ear... This might be an expensive morning.
So I back up and open the window. The police officer turns out to be a woman. She immediately starts the usual traffic-police-rant.
I just breathe and listen.
A few weeks back I discovered Zen Buddhism.
I'm still a total fish, of course, but stressed-out police officers are a wonderful exercise in tiltlessness.
When she's looking for my reply, I simply state
‘You are right, I made a mistake’
After that, she goes on for a little bit more.
Then, suddenly, she signals I can drive on.
No traffic fine. No paperwork.
I didn't play my part so she let it slide....
Just breath and stay cool.
It takes two to start an argument.
Make sure you got better things to do...

1 comment:

  1. "victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win"
