Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Home Game

Meeting people is cool. At least, I thought it was. So I organized a poker night at my place... Filled up the fridge with pizza and beer, spread a green sheet over the table and invited some dudes for a nice, little game of poker...

Here are 5 reasons why I never do it again:

  1. People are swine (pissing in the toilet would be nice)
  2. You put a zillion beers in the fridge and you can be sure some fucker goes for the single can of Ice Tea (I love my Ice Tea)
  3. Spitting out of the window and saying 'don't worry about; it's cool' is not cool.
  4. When asking (repeatedly) to not use my computer it would be nice if anyone actually listened and respected the request...
  5. We played roughly about 17 hands of poker while the rest of this 'poker night' was spend on bullet points 1 'till 4
I'll stick to Full Tilt Poker from now one...

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