Saturday, October 30, 2010

True Love, Genocide and Lonesome Nights

(Another lonesome autumn night in Brussels.
The ashtray is nearly full and the bottle of whiskey almost empty....)

Exactly seven years ago I crossed the Lao border into Cambodia.
The first day I spend smoking dope in a sleepy border town.
On the second day I followed the Mekong river all the way to Phnom Penh.
I didn’t know a single soul in this city. All I had was a dirty piece of paper where someone had scribbled a few words on. Top Banana Guesthouse; that was what it said.
That’s where I went...

A moto-taxi dropped me in a dusty street and I climbed the stairs to the Top. Within minutes of arriving at the Banana rooftop terrace everything was all right. My kind of place, my kind of people. Everybody easy-going and relax. Passing around huge spliffs, having beers and chatting with fellow guests and other cool dudes.
Phnom Penh’s answer to heaven on earth, they called it.
Good times, getting high and hanging out with the guys.

But in the far corner of the terrace were two Khmer girls talking to each other. One was a good looking girl, the other one... The other one was something else... Truly the most beautiful girl in the world. I could swear there was a glow surrounding here. She was magical... like an angel, a goddess... So out of place in this crowd of stoners, travellers and crazy people. I couldn’t even look at her, she was just too beautiful. So I focused on getting really high.

The next day I wanted to visit Tuol Sleng, a Khmer Rouge prison turned into a genocide museum. When I left the guesthouse Magical Girl was suddenly standing right in front of me. She asked me where I was going. I was speechless. Nevertheless, she came along.
Tuol Sleng is a nasty place. In the late seventies, the Khmer Rouge regime imprisoned and tortured about 17.000 people here. Only twelve of them survived.
Here we walked around ... At one point, she grabbed my hand and hold it firmly. Maybe it was by chance, maybe it was planned, maybe this place was just too much for her... But for me, it changed my life. I fell in love right there and then, within the walls of the Khmer Rouge prison.

Afterwards, I had the time of my life Cambodia. We got married that summer.
About a year after our visit to the Khmer Rouge prison, we settled as husband and wife in Brussels. For seven years she would be the centre of my universe.

Happily ever after etc.

Then it turned out that she had a different view on the universe.

So we started out in the most unlikely of places
but in the end it didn't matter.

The Khmer Rouge genocide took over one million lives.
That is a devastating, undisputed fact.
While true love is,
to the best of my knowledge,
nothing but a fairy tale.

So I traded my dreams for the love of a girl
but ended up with nothing,
just like a vagabond
in the distance...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fight For Your Right (To Play Online Poker)

Right2bet is an organisation comprising consumers from across the European Union who believe in a citizen's right to choose. Right2bet's mission is to ensure that the principles of economic freedom in the European Union are applied as fairly to betting and gaming as they are to any other sector.
Ultimately, all EU citizens should be able to bet with whichever EU-licensed betting company they wish, regardless of in which member state that company is based.
The French and the Italian government already blocked out-of-country poker sites like Pokerstars and Full Tilt. Make sure this does not happen in your country!
To sign the petition and support these aims click here.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cambodia Bound

Where to go? What to see?
The eternal questions driving me insane.
There's an urgent need to run away from this town...
Dreams about India, Tokyo and Macau
I just want to go. I've got no idea where or why.
Well, maybe I do but
I'm really not sure.
Fly away across timezones
to far from here
Perhaps trying to figure it all out
somewhere along the way.
Snap some pictures, smoke a joint, have a beer.
Walk around a strange town.
Eating noodles on my own...
Just another lonely tourist far from home.
But in the end, this is how it really is...
I've travelled down the river and I got to the sea.
My heart is in Sihanoukville at the break of dawn
watching those big clouds slowly drifting by...
Where else could I go?
What else to see?
There's nothing like
another trip to Cambodia.
Cruising down on Highway #4
all the way to the beach....

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Black Card

Full Tilt Poker recently launched The Black Card.
It's the ultimate recognition of baller status.
It takes an average of 500 Full Tilt Points a day over a rolling 100 day period (and you'll need to maintain the average afterwards) but you do get a slick Full Tilt Black Card in the mail.
Black Card holders receive double Full Tilt Points which they can exchange for cash bonuses, luxury gifts and tournament entries. They'll receive VIP treatment at live tournaments, dedicated support from the Black Card support team and much more...
Of course, the good stuff requires serious dedication and lots of hard work.
It will take a big bankroll and the work schedule of an average Indonesian sweat shop worker to get and maintain a 500FTP/day average. There will be little or no time to waste on things like your social life, your wife and your kids. But the real question is "Is it worth it?"
Definitely yes.
Sign up at Full Tilt Poker through our rakeback-program and start the race to Black Card ownership today!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Support Filthy Rich Fish

If you like this blog, help us bringing the good stuff for free. Donate one time, every week or just whenever you feel like it. Our goal is to bring bigger and better posts about a life in poker, gambling and adventure. Every dollars brings us closer to this goal, it keeps the ganja in full supply, the bail fund ready and your beloved blog posts appearing regularly...