Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pioneer One "Alone In The Night"

Episode 3 of 'Pioneer One' got finally released. It was a long wait but it was well worth it...

If you have no idea what I'm talking about: Pioneer One is a unique project, the next step in tv-making. It's a dramatic sci-fi series entirely community-funded and released on the Vodo-network as a torrent download. Pretty amazing what some creative minds can do with the support of an audience...

A mysterious spaceship has entered Earth's atmosphere. A US Department of Homeland Security investigation has uncovered a live human being in a Soviet space suit in an unstable condition. A note in Russian, found at the crash site, claims the man is the child of cosmonauts living at a base on Mars. Now quarantined to the Calgary base for two weeks, Taylor and his team have bought time to get answers from the supposed Martian cosmonaut. But who can get him to talk?

The story continues with this new episode 'Alone In The Night', funded and distributed by the online community. Producers Josh Bernhard and Bracey Smith have built on the success of episodes one and two, released through Vodo since June 2010 to an audience of millions.

Episode 4 is expected to be released within a month. Bernhard and Smith have now raised almost $20,000 of the $60,000 they need to finish episodes 5 & 6...

(Looking for more interesting movies and tv? Check out Zenith, a dark and grim sci-fi cyberpunk thriller in 3 free-to-share episodes. Also available for free at Vodo)

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