Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chestnuts Falling

The end of September,
dark and grey...

Summer's gone.
Restlessness comes creeping in.
The eternal questions spinning through my head:

Where to go? What to see?

Maybe start a religion,
commit a murder,
sacrifice a virgin,
win a goddamn poker tournament
or just get out of town...

I'm further than I was before
but nowhere near where I wanted to be.
Still here/ always here.
Feverish thoughts burning in my head.
Have to go. Have to run.
Perhaps Cambodia... sweet Cambodia
or what about Singapore, Tokyo, Macau?

Chestnuts are falling form the trees,
I'm searching for the exit.
Searching for redemption,
the meaning of life,
love and wisdom.
Searching for banana pancakes,
cheap ganja and booze...
Searching for something.
Anything goes,
anything will do.

Anything but
this hopeless night in the city.
Staring at those chestnuts
falling down and wondering...

Where to go? What to see?

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