Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dry Season Ahead?

The first day of spring.
Temperature's on the rise.
I think I even saw the sun today.
Speeding down the highway
with the window rolled down.
Finally freed from cold and darkness.
Enjoying spring and
still beating NL100 Rush Poker
at about 12 big blinds won/ 100 hands.
Good times.
Winning money is always fun.
Although the dry season might be ahead...
I despise the winter more than anything
but it does keep the fish inside.
When the sun comes out
the pool dries up.
Less fish in the sea.
Bad poker players tend to have a life away from poker.
Sunny days make them want to spend their money elsewhere.
Like offline or something...
Only degen gamblers and nerdy poker geniuses stay behind.
Redistributing each others money until rain or storm drives the fish back online.
So I do wish for lots of hot and sunny days in Brussels,
as for the rest of Europe and North America:
let it be rainy and miserable all summer long!
The way to filthy richness is long and hard.
Every fish counts.

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