Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hipster On A Beach

Hibernation’s over.
Ain’t got the blues no more.
Done with feeling sorry for myself.
Burning with desire for life again
right here in SnookyVille
on a beach.

He who lives like a beast gets rid of the pain of being a man.
Hunter S. Thompson said that

For years I’ve been domesticated and tamed like a fucking chihuahua.
One crazy night of drugs and booze with a group of cool boys and girls changed it all.

In case of doubt, fuck it.
John Lennon said that.

Sihanoukville is truly the end of the road.
Beyond here only sea.
A place on the edge.
The small town that never sleeps.
Tequila shots early in the morning hour.
Beer breakfast (at 4 pm) to start the day.
Where sobering up means a vodka redbull and
where even the food is often happy.
Getting some sleep any day now
but let us snort some crushed valium first
(just in case)

There are two ways to get what you want. You can get it or you can stop wanting it.
Buddah said something like that.

It was only when I stopped caring about my loneliness that meeting people became easy. Went for a beer one night around 9pm. Twelve hours later I was still going strong. Hanging out with the hipster dudes, chatting with the cool chicks. Smoking fine dope and drinking cold beer. Even got some romantic vibes (hipster-style) going on...
Burning through the night,
tripping in the sun
Friendly faces all around me.
Life’s sweet out here on the beach.

Happiness is an opium sunrise with a beautiful girl.
I said that.

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