Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Buddha Never Sleeps

Watching local soap operas on TV while getting high with a friend is a great way to escape the afternoon heat until dusk comes around...

They say in Cambodia you’ll find what you want even if you don’t know what is you were looking for. Where the party never ends and the Buddha never sleeps. This place is hard to leave.

Live is relaxed, smooth and cheap. Then there’s this feeling of lawlessness and freedom, the nightly breeze in the air and the everlasting grains of sand on my feet. No desire whatsoever to go on some foolish jungle trip away from here.

It’s getting more quiet anyway. That’s a good thing. The girls from last weeks epic beach party left (most by bus, some out of their mind). The dudes prefer to hang out with other girls (instead of doing speed on the bar and find out who can swim furthest into the sea). It's all good, it's all fine.

So I've got the time to focus on the last remaining piece of the puzzle: beating online poker from an internet shop in Sihanoukville. Studying DeucesCracked poker-videos and working on my game. In need of a sharp mind (for at least a few hours a day).  When February's here it's time to play again...

This search for happiness is running right on schedule:

I’ve got the Fish.
Found some sweet kind of Filth.
Still very well bankrolled for this place = $$$
Just like the Buddha under the Bodhi tree,
sometimes you've got to stay put...

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