Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tangled Up In SnookyVille

Sure, everyone likes the sun. Everyone likes the sea.
But that’s not the only reasons why
I can’t drag myself out of Sihanoukville.

Being a tourist
is just not working for me.

Yesterday I started playing poker again. The plan was to warm up a bit at 50NL Rush before moving up. After 2K hands I'm down 6 buy-ins. That's pretty horrendous. Didn't expect to crush again straight away. But playing this bad hurts. Maybe this is the wake up call I need. It's been two weeks since I arrived in town. It feels like I start to pay the price for all the foolish things I do. Guess I'm in pretty bad shape. It's hard to notice with all these crazy people around me...

First there was this wild English girl who’s name I can’t even remember. She had a great appetite for the sweet filthiness called O... Later one night on the beach I saved a drunk Khmer girl from drowning. Pretty common sense. She thought differently and insisted on rewarding me. Didn't feel any need. Just didn’t want her to drown in the sea. Nothing more. She didn’t understand. She's ignoring me ever since... Whatever. Only days later I met a girl who had just cut her hand on a rusty piece of metal. Took her to the hospital for a tetanus-shot. Afterwards, she showed me the way to a Buddhist temple far out of town. There we got blessed by an old monk near the sea...

When I got off the bus I didn't think there was anything left here for me.
Now I'm way more involved than I ever wished to be.

Fuck it.

The endless happy hours, the spiced-up joints, the happy pizza’s, that filthy O and this iffy relationship I got myself into... This must be the time to leave. The story’s getting old. Going nowhere fast. Restless from too much everything. Did enough partying for the whole damn year...

Knowing when to leave is an art I don't master.

So I'm still here.
Don't want to leave,
staying is insane.

Did the only sensible thing left to do.
Rented a bungalow on a tiny jungle island
just behind the horizon.
Going there in the morning,
taking with me only what I really need
like sunscreen, a Swiss army knife, this laptop
a big bag of ganja
a bottle of fine whiskey
perhaps a few pills
and maybe
(just maybe)
this girl I sort of like
might come along too...

(Offline until further notice)

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