Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Quiet Sunday

Started my day with a good run in the early morning.
The rest of the day I'm just staying at home.
A lazy sunday.
Can't get out of the couch.
I just cannot stop reading 'Check-Raising The Devil', an auto-biography by Mike Matusow. It's a great book about an interesting man. From zero to hero, and back and forth a couple of times. A life full of variance.

Between chapters (well, after reading how Matusow staked Scotty Nguyen for the 1998 WSOP Main Event) I decided to finally try ChipMeUp. I've been checking this site for months but never really decided what I wanted to do with it. Basically, you can buy or sell shares of poker tournaments there. For now, I'm taking a shot at backing some guy (GoneWest) for 3% ($10) of his buy in for the PokerStars Warm Up (starting soon).
We'll see how it goes.

Just chilling and waiting till the $$$ comes shipping in!

Anyway, this is supposed to be about playing the game.
This is the fourth day I didn' play a single hand of online poker.
Maybe tonight...

The road will be long & troublesome.
Just wish I could get started...

'One more cup of coffee for the road,
One more cup of coffee 'fore I go'

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