Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Come Back Fish

Early last Thursday my girl left this city behind,
traveling to the far end of the world
for a long, long time...

So I watched 'Apocalypse Now Redux'
with a bottle of Jack Daniels (again).
Sobered up, 
cleaned the premises
(Saturday around noon)
logged in on Full Tilt Poker.

Thirty-six hours have passed
an I'm up over +$500 for the weekend...

Let it be a long and lonely winter!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Big in India

Right before I was on the verge of becoming a filthy rich poker pro,
(right after I almost became the greatest war photographer of all time),
I was on my way to become an international praised & loved YouTube-movie-maker.

Now it turns out there are people out there who still watch my videos...

Especially "Blue Fuck (aka Fucking Blue)", one of my more hmmm... experimental attempts at video-making, fame and immortality. It has got at least 10 views a day for the last six months straight, most of the views originating in India. 

India, a county where my art gets the attention and respect it deserves?

Tought about moving to the Great Indian Subcontinent for a while, until I discovered what those viewers where really looking for...

Almost all views come from people who do a Google-search for 'fucking blue film' (and variations on that theme), so I guess my little arty-farty movie is not exactly what they were hoping to find...

But hey, I am big in India!

(aka 'annoying the shit out of horny Indians looking for porn since 2007')

Monday, November 23, 2009

Idea of the Week: Dropbox and Online Poker

Finally a smooth and easy solution to keep hand history files in sync on different computers...

So now I can play on my laptop while running Poker Copilot and have stats on all the players I played against at my desk...
At the end of each session I just copy my latest hand history files to the Dropbox-folder on my desktop computer. Next time I login on my laptop, all it takes is a quick copy/paste from the Dropbox-folder into the local hand history folder. All my data is up to date!
It's really that simple, Dropbox does all the heavy lifting.
Bye bye, USB-sticks and copying over a local wifi-network!
This is so much easier...
A 2GB-account (which is plenty for hand history purposes) is free.
Check it out here.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Strange Days

So it was young Joe Cada who took down the WSOP Main Event, becoming the 2009 World Champion of Poker... It was maybe a bit disappointing to see the great Ivey go out in 7th place but overall it was a very entertaining final table.
Lots of bad beats, suck outs and funky plays.
Once again it shows that all it takes are a dream and a tournament ticket to become filthy rich (and good karma might help, I guess).
That's as far as my November poker stories go.
Only four days before my love will travel to far, far away...
It makes me stay up all night and do nothing all day.
Waiting 'till d-day.
Just staring at the shadows on the wall.
Wishing for her to leave as soon as possible/
dreaming she doesn't go at all at the same time...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hundred bucks a day...

Breaking news: 
I just won a sit 'n go!
(... the second one this month)


I ran pretty well today (at last).
But still far behind the great Deezel50.
He's a winning regular at the $24 Turbo SNG's at Full Tilt (over a significant sample size).
His playing style is extremely solid... but most of time when our paths cross I see him win a large number of flips.... It's amazing to see a player shove and win on 4 tables simultaneously.
Is that really wat it takes to become a long-term SNG grinder? Skills and a lot of luck to win a large number of coin-flips?

Anyway, I really got nothing to complain about today.
First I grinded out a small profit in the cash games. Than lost it all in one sad hand: I had pocket kings but got a very ill-timed and stressed-out phone call on the Ace-high flop.
No need to make an ugly story any longer...
Being heavily distracted, I misplayed my hand and lost a big pot.
The dangers of cash games, I guess.
Luckily I made up for the loss during my SNG session:
cashed in 3 out of 4 games.

So, after yesterday's success I added about another $100 to my weekend winnings.

The plan is to keep running good & smooth as long as possible.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Lucky Friday

Due to circumstances (really!) I watched the romantic comedy Bride & Prejudice at 7 o'clock this morning.

... and that was just the beginning of a great day...

Work was extremely Zen-like.
(just a polite way of saying 'I didn't do shit and I enjoyed it very much, thank you')

Even online poker worked out great.
The combination of lots of fish and a good run of cards is a wonderful experience.

Playing $0.25/$0.50 cash games (6-max and heads-up) I made about $120 in an hour. That's how I like to kick off the weekend!

To get sufficient daily Full Tilt Points for the Iron Man Challenge I had to play some dreaded turbo sit 'n go's as well. Surprisingly, it wasn't a complete disaster. I still didn't win (only 1 win for this whole week!!!) but I managed to grind out another 20 bucks by taking enough 2nd and 3d places...

There is hope again.

Now it's time for the latest 2 WSOP-episodes to be well prepared to follow the final table action later this weekend. I'm rooting for Ivey because (1) he's the best player in the world and (2) it would be great to know you can muck a winning hand and still become world champion...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Illogical Consequences

I'm quickly running out of ways to say
"It's not going well"


My daily poker time is roughly between 19h00 en 22h00, Brussels time. All summer long there were lots of half-way decent regulars playing the $24 Turbo Sit 'n Go's at Full Tilt at this time. I grinded out a small, consistent profit.
Since autumn started, everything has changed significantly.
I guess the cool kids only hang out on the street in summer time. Now they all stay at home, donating $$$ to the more skilled players on Full Tilt and Stars.
Fishy players at the poker table make me all warm inside
They put a smile on my face and make me wonder how I'll spend their money.
(... if I could just win a fucking coin flip every now and then... ) -very deep sigh-
So, here is a small message to all the new fish:

"Dearest fish, please keep playing those $24 Turbo Sit 'n Go's...

It's a really fun game, isn't it?
Right now I am not running so hot.
So I apologize if I don't always have friendly thoughts in mind when you do make a questionable call. Or, to be more accurate, when you do make a questionable call and manage to hit a miracle river card.
But it's nothing personal.
I really like you to sit at my table.
We'll have a real good time.

(I'm sure you and me can turn this filthy graph back in the right direction...)

Thank you"

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Very Cold Month

"When you taught you lost everything, you find out you can always lose some more... "
(a part of a Bob Dylan song)

Here's a FlopZoom graph of my last 493 hands of sit 'n go poker. It's not pretty. 43 times I had a one pair hand, 7 times two pair. The other 443 hands I folded or missed...
Is there anything left to say?
There's very little room for big bluffs or daring moves in a turbo sit 'n go. Without a quality hand every now and then it is hard. It is really hard. The format starts annoying me. Shoving with a 10 big blind stack to lose time after time...
I don't know how long I want to keep torture myself like this... It's hard to even remember the days when I was running well...
November is rigged.