Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hundred bucks a day...

Breaking news: 
I just won a sit 'n go!
(... the second one this month)


I ran pretty well today (at last).
But still far behind the great Deezel50.
He's a winning regular at the $24 Turbo SNG's at Full Tilt (over a significant sample size).
His playing style is extremely solid... but most of time when our paths cross I see him win a large number of flips.... It's amazing to see a player shove and win on 4 tables simultaneously.
Is that really wat it takes to become a long-term SNG grinder? Skills and a lot of luck to win a large number of coin-flips?

Anyway, I really got nothing to complain about today.
First I grinded out a small profit in the cash games. Than lost it all in one sad hand: I had pocket kings but got a very ill-timed and stressed-out phone call on the Ace-high flop.
No need to make an ugly story any longer...
Being heavily distracted, I misplayed my hand and lost a big pot.
The dangers of cash games, I guess.
Luckily I made up for the loss during my SNG session:
cashed in 3 out of 4 games.

So, after yesterday's success I added about another $100 to my weekend winnings.

The plan is to keep running good & smooth as long as possible.

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