Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Illogical Consequences

I'm quickly running out of ways to say
"It's not going well"


My daily poker time is roughly between 19h00 en 22h00, Brussels time. All summer long there were lots of half-way decent regulars playing the $24 Turbo Sit 'n Go's at Full Tilt at this time. I grinded out a small, consistent profit.
Since autumn started, everything has changed significantly.
I guess the cool kids only hang out on the street in summer time. Now they all stay at home, donating $$$ to the more skilled players on Full Tilt and Stars.
Fishy players at the poker table make me all warm inside
They put a smile on my face and make me wonder how I'll spend their money.
(... if I could just win a fucking coin flip every now and then... ) -very deep sigh-
So, here is a small message to all the new fish:

"Dearest fish, please keep playing those $24 Turbo Sit 'n Go's...

It's a really fun game, isn't it?
Right now I am not running so hot.
So I apologize if I don't always have friendly thoughts in mind when you do make a questionable call. Or, to be more accurate, when you do make a questionable call and manage to hit a miracle river card.
But it's nothing personal.
I really like you to sit at my table.
We'll have a real good time.

(I'm sure you and me can turn this filthy graph back in the right direction...)

Thank you"

1 comment:

  1. I figured we have a huge leak; not being able to suckout,
    due to getting ur money in with the best hand.

    And even a coinflip is not what it used to be;
    rumour on fora goes that
    "regulars edge will be flattened out by 65-35% flips"

    We are REGTAG tryin' to outlast the RIGGEDLAGs,
    and we will succeed!

    I'm strugglin' a downswing myself, but I will persist!

    Good luck!
