Sunday, December 12, 2010

Full Ring Rush Poker Strategy Guide

After playing 6 max Rush poker for a while, I recently switched to full ring Rush poker. It turned out to be a great move. It's still fast and hectic poker but the games are much softer. The regulars are way more weak-passive (no Praz Bansi here) and there are just a lot more fish swimming around...

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Here are few basic strategy tips:

  • Don't try to soul read your opponents. I't a big game with lots of players. Game dynamic rarely exists. Sticking to simple, solid poker is a safer, straighter path to success. 
  • Be a nit. Because of the quick fold button and the full table; the ranges tend to be very, very tight. An over pair is definitely not the nuts. In fact, it's not that uncommon to get it in with a pair of kings versus a pair of aces. Ace-king is another hand that should be played more cautiously here. Just nit it up.
  • Be a wild pig in late position. Stealing the blinds successfully is a key factor to improve your winrate. Open a wide range in late position. But be aware that the blinds will 3bet a wider range too. So consider increasing your 4betting range... Or, when you play from he blinds, try 5bet shoving light to counter this late-position aggression.
  • Variance can be huge. It's less outrages than 6-max Rush but it can still be a bumpy ride... In the long run it's a very profitable game. Just make sure you're bankrolled to play a crazy amount of hands before the money comes rolling in...

This are just a few thoughts on how to beat full ring Rush. Playing a ton of hand and reviewing your own game will be the best way to improve. But following these tips will give you a solid head start.

Good luck at the tables!
Go crush the Rush...

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