Sunday, December 19, 2010

Monkey Off My Back

Shipped it! Tonight I took down a $12 Rush on Demand tournament on Full Tilt for about $720. Survived a field of 252 players by mostly quick folding my way to decent spots. At the final table a good mixture of balanced aggression and some rungoot helped me along. First place, baby!

Maybe it's not exactly a MiniFTOPS Event but winning is good. Winning a multi-table tournament is always awesome... So, at least now I know I can win. Got this big, fat and ugly monkey off my back. I can win.

Earlier today I had a pretty nice run at 100NL Full Ring Rush as well... $$$

So, maybe it was another cold and lonely Saturday. Way too much snow. Frost broke the water pipes again. But fuck it, tonight I really don't care. I made +$1K today and that feels pretty damn sweet...

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