Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Full Tilt Iron Man Year-End Bonus

You've played at Full Tilt Poker this year. You’ve shown your determination. You’ve dedicated your time. Now it's time to reap the rewards with a nice Iron Man Year-End Bonus.

Qualify for any of the four Iron Man status levels in December and receive a bonus at the beginning of January. The bonus is based on the number of months you’ve qualified for the Iron Man Challenge during the second half of 2010 (July through December) and the status levels you achieved each month:

Bronze - $25/Month
Silver - $50/Month
Gold - $75/Month
Iron - $100/Month

For example, if you qualified for one month at Bronze, two months at Silver, one month at Gold and two months at Iron, you’ll receive a bonus of $400. If you’ve committed yourself to earning Iron Man status each month starting in July, you’ll receive a bonus of $600. Even if you haven’t qualified for any Iron Man level during the second half of the year, you can still earn a bonus by participating in the Iron Man Challenge in December.

You need to opt-in to the Iron Man Challenge in December and reach Bronze, Silver, Gold or Iron status to qualify for the bonus. Opt-in and check your bonus status on your personal Iron Man Status page by going to My Promotions in the Cashier at Full Tilt Poker.

Once you’ve qualified for your bonus, you’ll have from January 1st to February 14th to clear your bonus money by earning Full Tilt Points in real-money games.

Don’t miss the opportunity to cash in on all your months of hard work.
Participate in the Iron Man Challenge this December, and then start January with a brand new bonus!

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