Sunday, February 6, 2011

Out There On Bamboo Island

Here’s some free travel advice for you: if you ever go to a tiny tropical island, make sure to bring a torch.

My trip to Koh Russei (aka Bamboo Island) was nothing what I’d expected.
Nevertheless, I got exactly what I wanted.

A tiny Khmer-style fishing boat brought us out there. Didn’t enjoy the bumpy ride across the waves at all. I do like the sea, preferably as seen from the beach.

On the island I got the bungalow I signed up for but nothing more. Just a wooden shack with a mattress and a mosquito net inside. No bars on my phone, no shops, no roads. Not even electricity. Just a beach with a few bungalows and behind it only jungle. Never mind, the tranquillity got to me straight away. Forgot my worries about the lack of fancy facilities. Rolled a fat joint and spent the whole afternoon watching the waves crash on the beach from a comfortable hammock.
Completely relaxed and at peace.

Only ten minutes after sunset I understood the full consequences of having no electricity. It was pitch black in no time. The battery of my cell phone, my only source of light, died within minutes. There’s a restaurant at the far end of the beach. They have a generator running from sunset till 9pm. Getting there, across the beach in total darkness, was a true adventure.

The first night I found it difficult to sleep. It was too dark, too much strange sounds in the night, too many insects wanting a piece of me. I’m a city dude. Wailing sirens in the distance and cars hissing by my window make me feel at ease. Animals howling in complete darkness, ants crawling on the wooden floor and a gecko somewhere really close make me rather uncomfortable at first...

Luckily dawn came around quickly. An early morning swim washed away the night. Afterwards I was completely in tune. It was a beautiful day on a tropical island. This time I was well prepared when sunset came.

A tranquil beach, the waves gently crashing on the shore.
Great seafood and fat joints.
Mosquitos and sand everywhere.
That’s what’s life really like on a tropical island.
Easy, simple and relaxed.

Think I’m done with going crazy.
Done with running away from myself.
I reel refreshed and alive.
Bamboo Island purified my mind and cleansed my soul.

Want to stay on a tropical island in Cambodia? I stayed at Koh Ru Bungalow Resort on Koh Russei, click here for more information and bookings.


  1. I need to go to bamboo island. Please help me.

  2. lol... what do you mean? You either go or you don't. No help required. If it's information you're looking for, what do you want to know?
