Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Way of The Hipster

(A month on a beach in Cambodia/ Sun, sand, dope, drinks and dollars/ Stumbling through life on a thin edge/ Slipping and sliding between boundless hedonism and sincere Buddhism/ A simple guide to keep it cool)

Rule #1: You gotta love yourself.
     Changes are no one else is going to do it for you. (In the long run, most people and places just come and go)

Rule #2: When you’ve got nothing to say, remain silent.

Rule #3: Strive for smoothness!
     Keep your emotions in check. Feelings like anger, stress and hate won’t help you anyway. Stay calm and carry on

Rule #4: Being honest and truthful at all times makes life a lot easier.

Rule #5: Say what’s on your mind but keep it cool. 
     There’s never a reason for being blunt. Delivering the message in a gentle way will get you further

Rule #6: Always take full responsibility for your own (foolish) actions.

Rule #7: The safest route has the least to offer. 
     Don’t be afraid to gamble it up. Sometimes you just have to go nuts to stay sane

Rule #8: The opinion of other people is of no consequence at all.

Rule #9: Help your friends whenever they are in need.
     Maybe they’ll do the same for you one day, maybe they won’t. It doesn’t matter. Being righteous is always awesome.

Rule #10: The true hipster walks alone.

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