Sunday, January 31, 2010

Phnom Penh Revisited

Came rolling down Highway #4 into Phnom Penh.
Hardly recognized a thing.
Paved streets, cars (lots of cars!) and brand new high-rise (lots of brand new high-rise!)...
This place is on it’s way up!
Looks and feels like a decent kind of town.

Walked around the block and got offered ganja (and only ganja) once (and only once). Saw even elderly barang couples (husband and wife!) and young white people driving bicycles.

Many years ago, when I came stumbling out of the Lao jungle into Phnom Penh, this place hardly resembled anything like this. No white man would consider driving a bicycle. Walking around the block was nearly impossible (because nearly every single Khmer on a moto would hustle for a ride).
Gone are the days of girls, guns and ganja.
Moving forward fast,
cleaned up and respectable.

...Until the sun goes down, that is.
(Some things never change)

After sunset,
there's still this most peculiar spark of 'Wild Wild East'.
Climbing the steps to the legendary Top Banana rooftop terrace...
(Phnom Penh’s answer to heaven on earth)
some things never change.
Everybody‘s still heavy drinking,
heavy smoking,
forgetting all about tomorrow
(and, at least, the day after as well)

Have another beer,
pass around the spliff...
It’s all good!
Phnom Penh,
Why not?

Even got a poker game going.
Stoned/ drunk (Banana style!)
but running hot as hell.
(until everybody else got tired of donating...)

Took my winnings to the bar across the street
for rounds of great Belgian beer (Duvel!) in the hot Cambodian night.

Man, I love this place.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Just Cruisin'

Like every serious poker player, there’s always the urge to raise the stakes.
After all my moto-bike adventures it was time for something bigger.

So I borrowed the old Toyota Corolla from my sister-in-law, loaded it up with family members and took it out on Highway #4, past the airstrip and all the way to Ream National Park.

The first few moments where a bit scary.
Living in Brussels, I never drove more far than Amsterdam (once).
Driving a car here in Sihanoukville, Cambodia felt like a challenge.
But it turned out pretty straightforward and cool.
Driving = driving.
Like everything else,
here it’s a lot more fun than at home.
'Same Same But Different' (and better)

Speeding on the highway,
just cruising along the coast and over the hills...
Stopping for lunch at the National Park,
eating fresh sea food,
chilling in a hammock,
beautiful views of the blue, blue sea....

Later on
zooming back into town,
honking and swaying trough traffic like a regular.

No stress, no traffic jams.
Being so cool
driving my car

Just cruisin’
It's all good

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not Today, Mr. Officer!

Same old, same old...
Driving down Ekareach Street, late afternoon, when a Sihanoukville police officers appears out of nowhere and forces me to stop.

No no no, not again!

I consider ignoring him for a moment.
Maybe if I just keep driving everything will be alright...
But it feels a bit dicey to really put this into practice.
So I obey the law, once again.
Stopping at the side of the road, slowly taking of my helmet and getting ready to hear which outrageous traffic law I broke today...

Then, out of the blue, a second moto-bike appears.
It comes to a stop next to the police officer.
My lucky day!
My wife and sister-in-law arrive on the scene!
It only take a few blurts in Khmer from them before the police officer reluctantly but quietly retreats on the sidewalk...

I’m free to go, no bribe paid!
Fuck you, Mr. Officer!
Don’t mess with me or you’ll get my family on your back!

Traffic Police Vs. Vagabond: 2 - 1

Rush Poker Strategy Guide

Rush Poker at Full Tilt Poker explained...
Play Online Poker
Play Online Poker

All you have to do is log in and join a player pool. You get automatically moved to a free seat. As soon as you fold you get moved again, straightaway! No more waiting around.
The amount of hands you can play like this is amazing.
Two-tabling 6-max games you can expect to see about 500 hands in an hour!
So no more whole nights of folding, folding, folding.
Being totally card-dead should be a thing from the past.
Of course, like in any form of poker, you can still run very bad for a large number of hands. Resulting in serious self-doubt, a damaged bankroll and a very bad mood.
That’s poker.
But Rush Poker goes much, much faster.
If you are a losing player you will blow your bankroll on a shorter amount of time, giving you more time for other activities. But if you are a winning player you might win a lot faster as well...

So beating 6-max Rush Poker in 4 easy steps:

  • learn all about 6-max poker strategy
  • learn to rapidly adapt your knowledge in ever changing situations
  • strive to stay cool and always make the most Ev+ decision
  • win a lot of money
Good luck!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Police On My Back

There must be a picture of me out there in the Sihanoukville police station with big, fat $$$-signs under it.

So here we go again...

Cruising down Ekerach Street on my moto-bike, late afternoon. I spot traffic police so I come to a full stop in front of a red light. Get yelled and honked at by locals. Stopping in the middle of the road is simply not done. Never mind the traffic lights.

When the light changes to green I continue my way,
only to find a police officer forcing me to stop. This time they charge me for two offenses:

* My lights are switched on during the daytime ($1)
* I don’t have rearview mirrors ($1)

What a fucking joke!

Sadly, these dudes are not open for any kind of negotiations.
So I reluctantly pay the fine/bribe and continue my way, ignoring the next traffic lights without even realizing it. Those bastards are probably already waiting for me after the next bend in the road....

The first time was sort of funny, now I feel like a fish.
"Barang with pink helmet = $$$"
Time to get my game-plan together and stay out of their greedy hands!
(luckily they are dirt cheap)

Cambodian Road Rules

Here, in Sihanoukville, I spend hours cruising around town and beyond on a moto-bike, wearing nothing more than flip-flops, a shirt and shorts... Back home I would never do this. Here it’s all good. Maybe it’s just the head burning the common sense out of my brain...

Anyway, here’s some moto-bike advice:

#1. Always wear a helmet (in the city centre, during daylight hours)
No one really cares if the helmet will protect you in case of an accident. If you drive a moto you need to have something helmet-like on your head. That’s it. Mine is bright pink and at least 2 sizes to small but it keeps the police of my back. Strangely this rule does not apply to passengers... Also note that traffic police doesn’t work after dark. Wearing a helmet at night makes you look like a fool.

#2. Always drive on the right-hand side of the road. Unless you feel more like driving on the left...

#3. Putting your foot on the ground at any time before reaching your destination, stopping for pedestrians or giving way to people driving smaller smaller/slower vehicles than yours is really not done.

#4. Be careful with traffic lights. No one seems to really care about them but it are great spots for traffic police to earn an extra buck.
Just a few days ago I was speeding through the red light (just like everybody else) when I got stopped by the police. No worries. It’s not really expensive at all but it took a lot of time to get moving again. First I got lectured about me being a danger to Cambodian society etc. etc. etc. etc. I tried waving with my walled to speed things up but that didn’t work. So I had to wait until he explained me several times the dangers of ignoring the red light... Finally the $$$-question came:
‘you want to settle this here or at the police station?’
‘Here, here, here... how much do you want?’ (waving a wad of dollars in front of his face)
‘Don’t give me money, put something in my bag over there’ (pointing at a bag on his moto)
So while this kind officer was very busy staring at the traffic passing by, I put a $1-note in his bag.
‘Bribing cops for dummies’
That was that and I was free to go,
chasing the sunset on my Honda Dream...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Serendipity Now

I’ve been here a week now.
Mellow, lazy, chilled out, ...
Getting into that good old Sihanoukville-groove again.
It started out great with a few days with the family-in-law,
then we moved to a crappy guesthouse close to Occheuteal Beach.
Suffered from a serious case of Oriental Paranoia over there...
(It’s the same as ordinary paranoia but much, much worse)
Only myself to blame for that...
When I go for a run in Brussels I’ll often check and measure my route in Google Earth.
When I come to Cambodia I consider myself way to cool to use any kind of guidebook.
Only sissy’s walk around with a Lonely Planet.
Go with the flow, dude!
So when this guy at the shitty guesthouse spoke the magic words ‘Free Wifi’ my eyes went all shiny and I got myself a room. Turned out it was just a hot, dark, smelly box that never got cleaned. The shower produced water a pure random intervals. The WiFi was free but slow, slow, sloooowwwww.
This morning I found an old condom-wrap under the bed.
Tipping point reached. Get out. Fast.
Packed my suitcase and moved to a more classy place on Serendipity Road.
A spacious rooftop room with a view... I can even see the sea if I cross the terrace and turn my head to the left... So now I just walked out and onto the beach when I saw the sign
‘High Speed Internet: $1/hour’...
An offer to good to ignore...
This is the good life;
 typing on my MacBook, drinking a fresh coconut-shake and when I look up there’s the great blue ocean right in front of me.
Serendipity now!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sihanoukville Rush

It’s been a week since my last hand of online poker...
Time to get back in action.
I decided to give the new Rush Poker on Full Tilt a try.
It’s cool!
Even just playing one table goes very, very fast.
I played very loose-aggresive because... well, this is Cambodia after all and I was craving for action after my break from the game.
On a tiny sample size of about 100 hands, 6-max, $0.10/$0.25 it worked out great. Made about 12 bucks and had lot’s of fun. Sadly, the internet is quite unreliable here so I think I’ll leave it at that for today.
Can quite decide if I’ll drive my moto-bike around the coast or have a swim in the ocean...
Just another lazy day in a laid-back beach town

Rakeback in the sun

Drinking a fruitshake while checking my e-mail on a hot Cambodian afternoon.
Last weeks’ rakeback just came in...
All the way out here and my bankroll still growing!
It’s all good...

Friday, January 22, 2010

48 Hours in Cambodia

At Phnom Penh International Airport there was a party of 12 (twelve!) people there to welcome me.
Didn’t see that many people in over a month...
Certainly not for me.
But there they are; all smiles, taking a day off to spend 8 hours in a mini-bus just to welcome me...
Very, very Ev- for them
(if someone would ask my opinion)
No one does.
Family has a different meaning here.
(as opposed to no meaning at all where I come from)
I don’t understand it.
I handle interest in my persona pretty poorly.
Luckily, there’s the jet lag to blame.
Jet lag and going with the flow.

Welcome to Cambodia!

So enter the minibus and into Phnom Penh traffic.
First stop: a wholesale flower market
(no questions, just roll with it).
Standing there in my winter clothes, staring at the afternoon traffic under the tropical sky/
getting stared at by the locals...
Next stop: street side food-stalls... strange meat on a stick, beer with ice and lots of smiley, happy faces... Reaching pass out-time, stumbling back in the van... Hitting the road to Sihanoukville...
Sleep makes me blissfuly unaware of the 4 hour drive.
Arriving at my sister-in-law’s.
More happy, smiley faces.
We need drinks.
No problem, you drive.
So here I am, fresh of the plane driving a pink Honda Dream trough the Cambodian night.
Trying to find the right trade off between top speeds (to discourage getting robbed) and prudence (to avoid crashing on these bad roads)...
It’s a tricky balancing act but I manage.

Later there’s sleep.
Long, long sleep.
Sleep beyond jet lag.
Waking up late afternoon.
Cruising ‘round town on a rented moto-bike ‘till dark.
Party time!
Hitting a Cambodian beach bar together with Khmer friends..
Cold beer and goofy dans moves.
Moving to a high-end night club.
Cold, cold aircon and loud, loud music.
More dancing, more beers
Lots of fun.
One of my Khmer companions stumbles into someone else.
...stumbles into a rich dude.
No good.
48 hours in Cambodia,
dragging my drunk friend out of nightclub to avoid getting our asses kicked...

It sure is adventurous out here!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bangkok Sunrise

Arrived in Bangkok at the break of day.
Finally escaped the Belgium winter.
Made my way back out here,
into the big wide world....
This is where I’m alive.
This is my place and time.
It felt great to leave Belgian soil behind.
Never shed a single tear for leaving my country. Never will.
Transit in Abu Dhabi, another six hour flight to Bangkok.
No sleep. Great tunes on my iPod.
Overwhelmed with sheer joy and happiness when landing at Bangkok International Airport.
Back in the East.
Fuck, still only in Bangkok. Still only in transit.
But it feels better than any drug could possibly deliver.
Drunk of happiness instead of happy being drunk.
The Far East is where I belong.
Sitting at home, wondering if this whole trip was a good idea
feels silly and plain stupid...
And I haven’t even arrived yet.
Just a few more hours before I’ll board one more plane.
Final destination:
that magical,
mellow capital
at the Mekong-river banks...

Phnom Penh

Finally/ again/ at last

Phnom Penh
Almost there...

Singing of,
(all future blog-posts are indefinitely suspended)

A Fish In Water

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

PKR Poker on Mac

PKR has finally arrived on Mac!

The look and feel of a video game + online poker = a profitable way of having fun.
It's like playing Mariokart Wii for money against players who have no clue whatsoever...
That's the best part about PKR:
it's where the biggest fish in online poker are...
The level of play resembles a drunk home game (at best).
No one seems to have some sort of plan.
It's very weird (weird but Ev+)
Check out the Filthy Rich Fish PKR-review for more info
or sign up straightaway using bonus code
for a cool 100% deposit bonus up to $800...
Good luck at the 3D tables,
make sure to practice your chip tricks
and to wear your coolest outfit!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hooray for Belgium!

Alas, it must be true what they say...
Small country  => small people
Belgium => ...
We have a few dead musicians, a retired bicycle champion and those tennis girls. But, let's face it, there's no greatness in being Belgian, is there?
Get a job, get a wife, get a car, get a house, get a fucking big television, reproduce yourself. Repeat.
Be quiet and stay out of trouble.
Be afraid of anything non-familiar.
Despise the rich, despise the poor.
Oh, average middle class nation!

So it was very refreshing to discover the (Belgian!) AtheneWins-channel on YouTube...

They have been called freaks on the Two Plus Two Pokercast but, really, they do make brilliant over-the-top videos. You just have to keep watching until you get the hang of it. (really!)

Lately they have ventured into the world of online poker...

So, somehow, this dude Chiren and his mom get together with PokerVT-pro Daniel Negreanu and sing 'Bing Blang Blaow' all together... Brilliant!

Big hooray for Belgium!
We need more bad English, shameless self-promotion and this twisted sense of humor over here.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Minus Zero (and below)

The year started hot as hell.
But only for a very short moment in time.

Everything dropped below zero.
Quick and nasty.

It's been freezing for weeks now.
(Snow and ice everywhere)
I keep checking my phone but it never rings.
(You have zero missed calls, ten times a day)
I've been losing heavily on Full Tilt for the last week.
(Even needed to drop down to the $36 Sit 'n Go's again)

Everything zero or less.

Somehow the snow and ice annoys me a lot more than my poker losses.

Not so long ago I considered going pro after a winning day
(so skilled at hitting rivers, you know)
and considered quitting
(just another degenerate gambler)
after losing a few hundred bucks.

Nowadays I start to finally grasp the ideas of variance, randomness and 'the long run'.
It's a game of small edges. Suck outs and bad beats are just a part of it.
After about five thousand games I feel confident in my sit 'n go- skills.
Of course, it's hard to stay sharp and focused after losing for days in a row.
But that's what it takes.
Dropped -$1K in a week.
It makes me feel slightly annoyed.
Like a mild headache, nothing serious.
It forced me to abandon the $60-games for now, that's about it.
It will take some time to build up my bankroll again.
But I'll get it all back and more (at least).
Variance is a part of life.
It can be ugly, filthy and 'unfair'.
Either deal with it or sit in a corner and cry.
I made my choice.
I've got a plan, I've got dedication and discipline.
That should be enough to get trough the rough parts.
Going broke is simply not an option.
Get filthy rich or get lost while trying.

If only this filthy, filthy snow would go away,
everything would be almost alright.
Freezing to the bone, freezing to the soul
Whiskey and warm clothes can only do so much.
It's getting to me,
this damned cold, this dirty snow and slippery roads...

Need to get away from this
cold, cold winter...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Movie Of The Month

Last night I watched 'The Lionshare'.
Although the first 10 minutes I was really skeptical, it turned out to be a great movie...

Highly recommended for anyone who spends a lot of time online and/or who enjoys the non-Hollywood kind of cinema...

This synopsis is taken from

"Nick (Mike Pantozzi) gets his girls the same way he gets his music: online. On a first date, Eva (Jessi Kneeland) invites him to an exclusive filesharing community called ‘The Lionshare’. From there, Nick’s own creative frustration fuels his consumption of pirated music and other media while he produces nothing of his own. Eventually, he finds inspiration in the unlikeliest of places.

THE LIONSHARE is the debut feature from writer/director Josh Bernhard. It was made in the spirit of the independent, do-it-yourself cinema of the Internet age, shot with consumer video cameras at the cost of a few thousand dollars. The latest in a wave of films dubbed “The New Talkies,” its kinetic style and raw performances recall the work of John Cassavetes and the DOGME 95 movement.
Relying on naturalistic dialog and a barebones aesthetic to match the bare honesty of its characters, THE LIONSHARE is a personal look at life and love in an increasingly impersonal world.

THE LIONSHARE is a reflection of how we are living now, as we increasingly relate to each other through the music we listen to and the media we consume; where people communicate through internet memes and pop culture references.
THE LIONSHARE demonstrates how the medium has truly become the message."

Download here or find out more at IMDb...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Year of Running Hot?

Forty hours into 2010...
(only 7 hours when discounting the time being wasted, drunk, passed out or hung over)
Played twenty $60 Turbo SNG's at Full Tilt,
up a little bit over +$500.
A fine start of the new year...

Happy 2010

For the first time in about 15 years my lost sister, (former) attention-whore turned lesbian, decided to let our family enjoy her company for a NewYear's dinner.
She brought her kids and girlfriend.
I just brought a heavy hangover.
Not a good combination.
To make matters worse I just couldn't get the Jon Lajoie song '2 Girls 1 Cup' out of my head. Nursing a headache with champagne, smalls kids running and screaming and disturbing images of lesbian love in my head.
Must be a family New Year!
I suffered in silence and made a run for the exit right after the final cup of coffee.
With the family traditions obliged for 2010,
things can only get better now.
All I need are 7000 Full Tilt Points to unlock my Iron Man Year-End bonus and to hang on another 16 days before leaving the Belgium winter behind...