Monday, January 25, 2010

Serendipity Now

I’ve been here a week now.
Mellow, lazy, chilled out, ...
Getting into that good old Sihanoukville-groove again.
It started out great with a few days with the family-in-law,
then we moved to a crappy guesthouse close to Occheuteal Beach.
Suffered from a serious case of Oriental Paranoia over there...
(It’s the same as ordinary paranoia but much, much worse)
Only myself to blame for that...
When I go for a run in Brussels I’ll often check and measure my route in Google Earth.
When I come to Cambodia I consider myself way to cool to use any kind of guidebook.
Only sissy’s walk around with a Lonely Planet.
Go with the flow, dude!
So when this guy at the shitty guesthouse spoke the magic words ‘Free Wifi’ my eyes went all shiny and I got myself a room. Turned out it was just a hot, dark, smelly box that never got cleaned. The shower produced water a pure random intervals. The WiFi was free but slow, slow, sloooowwwww.
This morning I found an old condom-wrap under the bed.
Tipping point reached. Get out. Fast.
Packed my suitcase and moved to a more classy place on Serendipity Road.
A spacious rooftop room with a view... I can even see the sea if I cross the terrace and turn my head to the left... So now I just walked out and onto the beach when I saw the sign
‘High Speed Internet: $1/hour’...
An offer to good to ignore...
This is the good life;
 typing on my MacBook, drinking a fresh coconut-shake and when I look up there’s the great blue ocean right in front of me.
Serendipity now!

1 comment:

  1. Chimay blue and Belgam jaune

    Whilst over here we (I) are freezing our balls off, trying to plan a virtual road on the google earth of life, realizing I'm covered in shit up to my neck. Hence I won't be able to advance alot, and god, does this place smell like shit!
    Please send me a straw, so I can survive this jungle of depressing and darken chaos. Or, on second hand thought, nevermind, it would just slow down my pace in desiring peaceful death.
    Woe is me, and for only I am to blame.
    I'm just another cocksucka, sidetracking the weariness of reality.

    Maybe rigth now it's time to level my thumb by the side of the road,
    hitchhiking to the east, the further, the eastier, the better.
    Am I tryin' to fool the king's fool? I'm going nowhere, lookin' back, loosing grip, lurking on past happiness.
    Since my emotional bankroll has been dwindling down, I'm willing to risk it
    all on tilt. If only a sit and then go could end it all, I would be long gone...

    I rolled another cigarette, and let myself go,
    It's so easy, all you have to do is play the game...
