Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy 2010

For the first time in about 15 years my lost sister, (former) attention-whore turned lesbian, decided to let our family enjoy her company for a NewYear's dinner.
She brought her kids and girlfriend.
I just brought a heavy hangover.
Not a good combination.
To make matters worse I just couldn't get the Jon Lajoie song '2 Girls 1 Cup' out of my head. Nursing a headache with champagne, smalls kids running and screaming and disturbing images of lesbian love in my head.
Must be a family New Year!
I suffered in silence and made a run for the exit right after the final cup of coffee.
With the family traditions obliged for 2010,
things can only get better now.
All I need are 7000 Full Tilt Points to unlock my Iron Man Year-End bonus and to hang on another 16 days before leaving the Belgium winter behind...

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