Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Police On My Back

There must be a picture of me out there in the Sihanoukville police station with big, fat $$$-signs under it.

So here we go again...

Cruising down Ekerach Street on my moto-bike, late afternoon. I spot traffic police so I come to a full stop in front of a red light. Get yelled and honked at by locals. Stopping in the middle of the road is simply not done. Never mind the traffic lights.

When the light changes to green I continue my way,
only to find a police officer forcing me to stop. This time they charge me for two offenses:

* My lights are switched on during the daytime ($1)
* I don’t have rearview mirrors ($1)

What a fucking joke!

Sadly, these dudes are not open for any kind of negotiations.
So I reluctantly pay the fine/bribe and continue my way, ignoring the next traffic lights without even realizing it. Those bastards are probably already waiting for me after the next bend in the road....

The first time was sort of funny, now I feel like a fish.
"Barang with pink helmet = $$$"
Time to get my game-plan together and stay out of their greedy hands!
(luckily they are dirt cheap)

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