Monday, January 18, 2010

Bangkok Sunrise

Arrived in Bangkok at the break of day.
Finally escaped the Belgium winter.
Made my way back out here,
into the big wide world....
This is where I’m alive.
This is my place and time.
It felt great to leave Belgian soil behind.
Never shed a single tear for leaving my country. Never will.
Transit in Abu Dhabi, another six hour flight to Bangkok.
No sleep. Great tunes on my iPod.
Overwhelmed with sheer joy and happiness when landing at Bangkok International Airport.
Back in the East.
Fuck, still only in Bangkok. Still only in transit.
But it feels better than any drug could possibly deliver.
Drunk of happiness instead of happy being drunk.
The Far East is where I belong.
Sitting at home, wondering if this whole trip was a good idea
feels silly and plain stupid...
And I haven’t even arrived yet.
Just a few more hours before I’ll board one more plane.
Final destination:
that magical,
mellow capital
at the Mekong-river banks...

Phnom Penh

Finally/ again/ at last

Phnom Penh
Almost there...

Singing of,
(all future blog-posts are indefinitely suspended)

A Fish In Water

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