Friday, January 29, 2010

Just Cruisin'

Like every serious poker player, there’s always the urge to raise the stakes.
After all my moto-bike adventures it was time for something bigger.

So I borrowed the old Toyota Corolla from my sister-in-law, loaded it up with family members and took it out on Highway #4, past the airstrip and all the way to Ream National Park.

The first few moments where a bit scary.
Living in Brussels, I never drove more far than Amsterdam (once).
Driving a car here in Sihanoukville, Cambodia felt like a challenge.
But it turned out pretty straightforward and cool.
Driving = driving.
Like everything else,
here it’s a lot more fun than at home.
'Same Same But Different' (and better)

Speeding on the highway,
just cruising along the coast and over the hills...
Stopping for lunch at the National Park,
eating fresh sea food,
chilling in a hammock,
beautiful views of the blue, blue sea....

Later on
zooming back into town,
honking and swaying trough traffic like a regular.

No stress, no traffic jams.
Being so cool
driving my car

Just cruisin’
It's all good

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