Monday, October 12, 2009

Laziness & Deception

After a few tough weeks at work I found myself at the good side of variance this morning.

For completely random reasons I got my old job back.
Finally away from this new environment where I have suffered for the last 3 weeks!

This old job I have done for more years than I wish to remember.
But a least I had the time do develop a serious edge here.
This is, by far, my greatest professional achievement ever.

I am a master in the fine arts of laziness and deception.

Spending as little time on performing professional tasks as possible
while keeping my superiors happy with a steady flow of rock-solid stats and data about my performance...
That's what being an employee is all about!

It's Monday afternoon and I can't quite decide if I am going to watch the latest episode of The Simpsons or some training videos on PokerVT...

If all Mondays could just be like this,
life would be almost bearable...

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