Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009: The Year of The Triple Up

Time to look back one final time...

The year of fear, they called it on the news.
I don't know. I wasn't really there.
The Year of Nowhere
(but here)

I cannot remember ever been away from home for longer than a day.
Been to Holland a few times
and I do remember one Summer day in Ghent.
That's about it.
I started out on my own.
Now the year is coming to a end
I'm on my own again.

all things poker are fine

2009 was a good year.
It sure didn't feel that way
 but it was.

I have more than 3 times the amount of money I started playing with on January 1.
A fine investment.
Tripled my bankroll in a year.
+$3K in profit
'Bing Blang Blaow'
I hoped and dreamed to make a lot more, offcourse
starting out with $ and ending with $$$+ equals happines.
It's been a good time, after all.

Nothing left to do but smile and counting down the days until I'll be away from here...

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