Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Beating The Game

It’s been weeks since I have been stopped by traffic police while driving a moto-bike.
I guess I acquired the necessary skills.
Looking back, I was pretty much a noob during my first weeks in Sihanoukville.
Every time I saw traffic police I would slow down and steer my bike all the way to the right-hand side of the road. In Europe that makes perfect sense. When there’s police on the street, it's a good time to obey the law.
Out here it’s a whole different game, tough.
I have been a little fly going straight for the web of the spider...
So, from extended personal experience, here's my advice:
When you spot traffic police the trick is to move as far to the left-hand side of the road as possible and speed up. They will yell and maybe whistle but they will not chase you (it’s hot out here, especially in a police uniform). Do not make eye contact, do not slow down, look straight ahead and do not stop.
Alternatively, making a quick turn in a small side street or even going for the full U-turn are also very effective ways to avoid paying fines/bribes.
Stick to these simple rules and cruising around Sihanoukville on a moto will be smooth and hassle-free.
No rules, no helmet,
just full speed ahead...

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