Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sihanoukville: Sex, Dope & $$$

"Hey man, you wanna smoke weeeed?? What do you want? I got everything! Ganja, yaba, speed, opium, xtc, viagra, heroin, ... You wanna have a good time? You wanna fuck girl tonight? Wanna buy gun? I got everything you need..."

Sweet, seedy Sihanoukville
There’s something about this place
I can’t quite define.
The sweet urgency of now!
The brutal honesty of pure capitalism
While the Buddhist monks smile...
"It’s all good, it is all good."

Here I feel at ease
Happiness is mine.
Here in this strange, little place at the coast.

Home of countless dope dealers,
(under-aged) prostitutes,
corrupt police officers,
crooked politicians,
sketchy Chinese businessman,
alcoholic expats,
freaks, sex offenders, dope addicts, lunatics, ladyboys, hustlers and whores.
Russian mafia dudes (driving black Humvee’s with black tinted windows),
drunk Euro-trash kids,
ganja-loving backpackers,
lost souls,
dodgy nightclub owners,
cheap guesthouses, free WiFi, banana pancakes,
white sandy beaches


the only place on earth
where I'm a proud member
of a happy, lovely,

All in this same little place
(Same, same but different)

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