Wednesday, February 10, 2010

SnookyVille Visions

"Snapshots of a small town by the sea"

About one month ago, photography was nothing but a distant memory. By chance, I started playing around with a small camera. Took a few shots here, took a few more there... Now weeks have passed and I have been taking pictures everywhere, everyday.
No agressive big-lens, big-camera up-close spectacular photojournalism (for 'world peace' or, more sincere, for my own personal pride and glory). Been there, done that. This time around, no one was interrupted by my presence. Photojournalism death and gone. You want misery, watch BBC World.

This is just a personal view of my daily wanderings around town...
The streets, buildings, beaches and landscapes of this little town by the sea...

A vague and humble attempt to capture Sihanoukville anno 2010 in a series of simple, honest images

"SnookyVille Visions" on Flickr

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