Friday, December 11, 2009

11 Days. 11 Hundred.

So 2 Months. 2 Million. was a cool show...
But they didn't reach their goal, did they?
Plenty of hot women, pool side party's, Las Vegas nightlife and goofy stunts. But nowhere near $2 million profit....

Here at Filthy Rich Fish things are different.
No women, no party's, not much going on in general...
No goofiness except my own reflection in the mirror (early in the morning).

Here it's all about...

Eternal traffic jams (driving me crazy),
dark days and lonely nights.
Pitch black coffee and lots of cigarettes.
Staring at shadows on the wall.
Listening to Dylan singing christmas songs
(over and over again)
Wondering about the point of it all...
and over 20 hours of
grinding $36 Sit 'n Go's at Full Tilt.

But this morning,
just before dawn I reached a personal milestone:

11 Days into December, a little over $1K in Sit 'n Go winnings!

(Damn proud about it)


  1. Wait, there's no women here? Consider me unsubscribed.


  2. Wait, there's no women here? Consider me unsubscribed.


  3. Wait, there's no women here? Consider me unsubscribed.


  4. Wait, there's no women here? Consider me unsubscribed.

