Monday, December 28, 2009

A Rather Rich Fish (Time to Relax)

A year ago I played $12 Turbo Sit 'n Go's on Full Tilt.
That was the highest buy-in I was bankrolled for at the time.

Over this Christmas weekend I played sixty $60 Turbo Sit 'n Go's.
The idea was to get rich or loose it all in 1 weekend.
Nothing really happened.
No drama, no busted bankroll or excessive wins.
About break-even, not including rakeback.  But it was good fun.
Really, it's been a long time since I had this kind of fun playing online poker....

Now I'm confident and bankrolled to play a lot more $60 SNG's.
So, this it. I am where I want to be.
Struggling, swearing and sweating a whole year to make it to the $60 level. It's been the goal from the start of 2009. My bankroll-management-chart stops here.
A goal reached,
time to relax.
I don't feel the need to push it much further than this anytime soon.
All I want to be is a happy $60-level player (for now).
Maybe play less hours, cash out some of my winnings and spend more time enjoying this silly thing called life ...

Only three more weeks and I'll finally leave this dull city behind.
Craving the sunshine.
Longing for that little beach town far out in the East.
Got someone waiting for me in paradise...

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