Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Moving Up

Done playing the $30-level Sit 'n Go's at Full Tilt.
Good bankroll management dictates the time is now.
I don't care about the swings anymore.

The goals is to get rich
(or fail and be miserable).

There's no time for in-between anymore.
If I'm going to be an average poker-player, I might as well just be an average TV-viewer.
It's all the same, anyway.

So about moving up...
Playing the $50-level Sit 'n Go's.
At first I was bit nervous.
But it's the same game.
Nothing ever chances.
Still lots of fishy moves going on,
still in need of luck every now and then.
More money to be won or lost.
That's it.

Things didn't really go my way on this first day. No worries. Tomorrow's another day.
Losing is a lot less stressful
when turning back is not an option...

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