Monday, December 14, 2009

How Not To Run A Company

Rather early this morning my precious sleep got brutally interrupted by a phone call. It was my boss telling me (accusing me) I should be at work right now.

"No, I shouldn't. 
I have a day off and you signed the document to approve it yourself, 
you dumb cocksucker! 
I have it right here and will stick it in your face, with great satisfaction (tomorrow morning)!
Now shut up and let me sleep."

What I really say is, of course, a very sleepy and way more polite version of those specific thoughts...

The point being if you cannot even keep track of something like this, how can you possibly run a company in a successful way? This is just another example of the poor performance the management demonstrates time after time.
I try not to give a fuck,
just enjoying the ride to the monthly paycheck,
planning to leave one day.
But it's so depressing to see how dumb people take dumb decisions time after time, only to blame the economical crisis for the decline of their company...

Underachieving's a bitch.

My advice; if you have any holiday gifts to send this Christmas, send them by UPS.

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