Thursday, December 24, 2009

Offline: The Final Frontier

My internet connection has been very unreliable for the last two weeks.
Luckily I never got disconnected while playing any serious poker.

But it still was a troublesome time.

Suddenly there's nothing more than this lonely place in the cold, dark winter night.
No poker.
No Skype, no e-mail, no Twitter.
No movies to download
Not even Google Maps to find my way to the repair shop.
Lost in the offline world.
Life's hard out there.

The thought of having to spend the whole Christmas weekend in that scary world almost drove me mad.
'The Horror! The Horror!'

But salvation came right in time.
After numerous stressful calls to my Internet Service Provider, they finally gave in and decided to send a technician. It worked out great. He was friendly and helpful. Not at all as expected. I have no idea what he did exactly. But he spend over an hour with wires and modems and stuff, doing tests and whatnot until he could guarantee internet would not let me down again.
Forget about Jesus.
This Christmas I dedicate to that internet-repair guy.
He helped me escape the darkness and brought me back into the shiny light of a high-speed internet connection. That's a hell of a lot more than I can give Jesus credit for...

So time to get back on schedule...
While the rest of the world is indulging in food and drinks, I'll be sharp and ready to take anyone's money who decides to play a few $60 Sit n' Go's on Full Tilt in between Christmas celebrations.

Thank you, technician dude!

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