Tuesday, December 8, 2009

On The Edge

Playing on the edge is going great.

Running high above expectation.
My ROI is well above 30% for the month.
Life is very easy with a double digit Return On Investment...

Staying sharp and focused doesn't take much effort when in the flow.
Cashing almost most of the time.
Cashing a lot...

My time all alone in the big, cold city is certainly paying of for now.
I'm sure the Sit 'n Go Video Series by Derek Williams on PokerVT also helps me a lot. With very little distractions, the $36 Sit 'n Go games on Full Tilt are very soft. Avoiding the bad side of variance is all it really takes.

But, I know, the real challenge is further down the path.
Every single fish runs hot every now and then.
The trick is to stay focused and dedicated when the deck turns cold.
Until then,
I'm going to push this sweet, sweet upswing as far as possible...

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