Saturday, September 5, 2009

$100 For Grabs at Bwin Poker (A Gambling Story)

If you never played online poker at bwin;
you might give it a try...
They have a cool Mac client now.

It didn't play there for a while but I remember that the games where pretty soft.
The bwin sports betting and casino attracts a nice crowd of 'not-so-experienced' poker players (aka fish)...

Actually, I had a cool experience once at bwin:

On a rainy Sunday afternoon in 2008 I was laying on the couch watching TV.
Didn't have anywhere to go or anything to do... So I decided to watch the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Monaco.
To make things a bit more interesting I put a $10 bet on Lewis Hamilton at bwin. Almost my complete bankroll there.
I was getting 5-to-1 odds.
Little did I know that Hamilton had to start somewhere in the middle of the pack or that overtaking in the narrow streets of Monte Carlo, in a Formula 1 car, is not so easy.
My chances of winning that bet were slim.
But hey, I bought some excitement on a dull Sunday afternoon...

The most amazing thing happened:
somehow Hamilton won the race! Now I had a bit over $50 in my bwin account!

I didn't practice bankroll management in those days, so I entered a $50 multi-table tournament.
Thanks to weak opposition and a bit of luck I became second for about $1K...

So I defenitly have sweet memories of my bwin days...

Enjoy it while it lasts!

(Check out the Filthy Rich Fish bwin-page for more info...)

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