Thursday, September 24, 2009

Books and TV

I qualified for the Iron Man Challenge on Full Tilt (for my 11th consecutive month...).
Made about $200 this month so far.
Everything is cool and fine.
My confidence still on a high, after the positive PokerVT review of my play.
My game is (supposedly) rock solid.
Just not going anywhere really.
No break trough.
I go to work everyday and spend my nights with books and TV.
Something needs to chance.
I feel brain-dead.
Like poker's just another hobby.
I am nowhere near reaching my 2009 goals
(be filthy rich, stop work and get as far away from here as possible - in a nutshell).
Maybe I should move up in stakes.
Time to rise and shine or
(more likely)
crash and burn...
But for now it's just books and TV.
Another autumn in the dull city.

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