Wednesday, September 30, 2009

October Resolutions


  • Play more poker! At least 50 hours of online play. Minimum 200 SNG's, 20 HU matches and 5 MTT's. More is better.
  • Win more! Don't want to put an exact number here but $$$+ is the way to go.
  • Study more! Waste less time with silly TV shows etc. Watch more PokerVT.
  • Learn to completely understand and accept the filthy, hard realties of the game of poker. 
  • Get ridded of all those damned emotions while playing.

  • Have a +$5K month.
  • Win a multi-table tournament 
  • Phone my boss and say the magic words 'I quiet! ...and, by the way, you're a total asshole' 
  • Disappear at the horizon.

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