Sunday, September 27, 2009

The $36 Curse

It's a great weekend.
Sunny weather.
Love, life, poker - everything cool.
No alarms and no surprises.
Life like it should be.

What better time to face my old foe again?
The $36 Turbo Sit 'n Go's at Full Tilt...

Those games almost wiped out my bankroll back in March...

The trouble is that I don't feel outclassed or outplayed in these games.
On the contrary,
even before I knew I was better than I thought I was (???),
I felt I really could handle it.
The difference in the opponent level compared to the $24 games is minimal.

Sadly my stats tell a whole different story:
I played 259 x $36 Turbo SNG's.
ROI = -14%.
A total fish.
I'm probably better of throwing $36 out of the window.
With a little bit of luck (on a windy day, for example) some notes might fly back into my house...
My ROI should be higher that way.

Anyway, nothing has changed.
I played 2 games this morning.
Felt like the best player at the table.
Half an hour later I was down -$72...

Randomness sucks

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