Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Terrible Call

I'm in a PokerVT video!
Sadly, I'll be mostly remembered for a terrible call...
Poker pro Derek Williams did a review video of one of his own sessions he played for the PokerVT Weekly SNG series. I happen to be in that game.
Anyway, everything goes well until Derk shoves for about 10 big blinds from under the gun +2. Everyone folds to the big blind (me) and I call with my 7 big blind stack.
Derk turns over AQs and I have KJs....
It's been two weeks since that game so I forgot already about that call.
But seeing it in a video...
It's disgusting!
How could I make such a call???
Derk puts the hand in SNGWizard and it's very clear that my call is very Ev-
Always a loosing play.

So why did I make the call?

Because I was a bit down back then, unhappy and stressed out...
Because I was folding trash-hand after trash-hand after trash-hand....
When I finally got 2 suited picture cards...
I wasn't going anywhere...
Probably blaming bad luck for loosing the hand.
In short, I called for al sorts of emotional and irrelevant reasons.
That sucks.

This makes a few things very clear:

  • I'm not halfway as great as I would like to think I am.
  • Getting a second opinion about your plays can be invaluable sometimes...
  • Always sticking to logic and reason is a lot harder than one might think...

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