Friday, September 18, 2009

Back From Outer Space

Went looking for a dark forest (to kill a cat)
but I took a few bad turns...
It feels like my mind ended up in outer space
but actually I stayed right here.
Staring at the shadows on the wall,
doing nothing much at all.
Passing time.

Work, sleep and TV.
An average guy in an average life.

The truth bothers me.
Too much evidence pointing in one nasty direction...
Maybe I've just been running hot for about 18 months and now reality starts catching up.
Hard and fast.

If you don't know where you're going, you most likely will not get there.
If you do know where you want to be...
you'll probably fail anyway.
But at least you stay busy that way
(until failure is undeniable)

So, after enjoying a nice sunny day, I'm ready for another night of online poker. The weekend has just begun and there's about $3K left in my bankroll.
Here we go again...

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