Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hail To The Fish

Image is everything.
For over 2 years I was a pirate on Full Tilt.
Yesterday I decided it's time for a change.

Pirates are making money by all means necessary.
So my avatar and I were sort of...
well, incompatible lately.

Last night I changed to the fish avatar.
It should be a more reasonable reflection of my personality and state of mind....

Since then I'm running hot as hell.
My ROI for September is back up to a solid 5% (coming from minus more than I wish to remember!)
I'm winning coin flips, I'm sucking out from time to time (instead of just sucking) and I'm winning games, making money. Cashing!
...Dollar signs flashing in my eyes...
Happiness and general wellbeing are back again.
Bing Blang Blaow!

Now if I just can figure out a way to stay on this side of variance...
Everything will be all right.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe u should try the lizard after all.
    "I'm the lizard king, I can do anything"
    It took a while, but it turned out to have a great impact on my bankroll.
    On some forums people suggest changing avatars often, because they 'start running bad' after a certain amount of time.
    The fish is said to have a huge short-term impact, whereas in the long run is will cost u money.
    Don't stick to it too long!

    Good luck to you, backed up by VT-pro advice, trying to set things straight, or nut-flushed.
    As for me i'm trying to take down de MiniFTOPS Me.
    If I make it to the final table,
    we shall feast on mescaline and cherish my fortune...
    Selffullfilling prophecy that is, for I yearn the mescaline :-)
