Sunday, September 20, 2009

Quote of the Day

“I cannot really critique Vagabond’s play here too much because there’s not really much he’s doing wrong, if anything”

-- Poker Pro Derek Willams on PokerVT 
(Online Strategy with Derek Williams/ User Submitted Hand History Review 5)

Just watched two of my own hand histories reviewed on PokerVT.
Now I cannot get rid of this smile on my face...
I've been sending in hand histories for a few weeks now. 
Showing of my donkey moves in an online video while getting expert advice from a seasoned pro... It seemed like a fair trade of. 
But as it turned out, there were very little donkey moves in my hand histories. 
My sit and go play looks leak-free and rock solid on video.
Hey, I'm a winning player.
Derk said it, so it must be true...
This is such a huge confidence boost!
I am on the right track. 
As long as I can persevere I'll get there in the end...

(If you're not a PokerVT-member, check out my training page for more info....)

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