Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kill A Cat

When all else fails,
one has to be willing to go the extra mile.

So next full moon I'll drive deep into a dark and creepy forest.
There I'll ritually slaughter and disembowel as small to medium sized animal (preferably a cat but a porcupine will suffice). To improve the overall experience I will do all this while standing on one leg and howling at the moon...

There's no hard evidence that this will improve my poker results.
But, being a player-who-used-to-be-winning (aka a loser), time away from poker equals money saved.
So with a bit of sketchy math it's cleary an excellent idea:

Kill a cat = Ev- (time, gasoline, the killing, the howling, cramps from standing on one leg, ...)
Losing at poker = Ev- (time, money, stress, pain, anxiety, ...)

Ev(Kill a cat) > Ev(losing at poker)
Being at rock bottom =
Ev- > Ev-- =>
Ev- = (almost) Ev+ =>
Ev+ > Ev-
Ev(Kill a cat) > Ev(playing poker)
Ev- > Ev--
Killing a cat = excellent for poker results

1 comment:

  1. I sell medium sized cats 22+2$/pc
    and sacrifice-worthy porcupines 10+1$/pc
    Small forrest can be hired 0.10$/tree
    My personal fee is 50$, getting you safe in and out of the woods.
    Succes 100%* garantueed.

    *unlock succes-factor a rato 1%/10$deposit on my account.
